What is Joomla?

Joomla is one of the most desired Content Management Systems available on the internet. It’s sturdy and also convenient to use. It enables any individual to create web sites and to manage them with ease. It provides numerous totally free and commercial plug–ins which can increase the capability or absolutely change your website.

The men and women in the Joomla development team are passionate fans of the open–source concept and the Joomla project has been opened for designers from the beginning. This has made it possible for the forming of a powerful and productive Joomla community. Presently there are lots of people working on Joomla designs, plugins and Joomla–powered sites.

Joomla is a registered trademark of the Open Source Matters and shares no connection with Web Site Host Master.

Joomla–Optimized Linux Cloud Web Hosting Services with a Point & Click Web Site Control Panel

With the Joomla–optimized Linux cloud web hosting plans, you can easily have your personal or small business Joomla website published on the www with a simple click. Simply select Joomla from the application drop–down menu on the order form and we’ll set up your Joomla copy whilst configuring your web hosting account. That will spare you all the tech hassle and will enable you to start working on your Joomla site just after the signup procedure is done.

Web Site Host Master’s Joomla–optimized Linux cloud web hosting packages come with a point–and–click Web Site Control Panel, which includes a drag–and–drop File Manager where your Joomla files will be placed, a Databases Manager for your personal databases, and a robust E Mail Accounts Manager from where you can oversee all of your e–mails.

Free Joomla Themes

Every single Joomla installation provides a collection of zero cost Joomla website templates, which you are able to acquire through your Web Site Host Master Web Site Control Panel.

The Joomla templates are fantastic for presenting your portfolio of works, photo galleries, video clips and podcasts. There’s no requirement for one to master any advanced web development techniques. Each individual template is focused on a given topic, though you are able to entirely customize its design and style elements to suit your special requirements.